Thursday, December 6, 2007

Social Events

It's been a busy week for social activities. Last Thursday night I had dinner with the students who live in Gonzaga, a freshman dorm. Each year each dorm has a special dinner in the Oak Room and faculty and administrators are invited to join the students. Most tables had 2 of us and 6 students per table. I learned a lot about dorm life and student activities. I met one young woman who is on the Equestrian Team (there are 17 women). The stable is in New Canaan where they ride 2X/week and compete every Sunday. Fr. Doody, University Chaplain, is the resident Jesuit in GNZ and he told me about when he was a student and the library was in CNS.

I attended Professor Bolger's memorial mass at the Chapel on Monday. Afterwards the family greeted friends and we shared a meal in the Oak Room (more chicken!). The mass was a beautiful tribute to Bob and his 51 years teaching math. Many of the retired faculty turned out and I chatted with them over lunch. It was a great opportunity to speak with Prof. Walter Petry about his Sandinista collection that he would like to donate to the library to support the Latin America and Caribbean Studies program.

Tonight is Fr. von Arx's Holiday Party for President's Circle members and Trustees. It's a great opportunity to talk with some Trustees about the library and with several faculty and key administrators. Tasty hors d'oeuvres and no chicken!

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