Thursday, December 6, 2007

The 7.5 habits

Of the 7 habits, I found #3 to be the easiest and #6 is the hardest for me. I have a lot of intellectual curiosity and love to turn what some may think is a problem into a challenge. I work from the position of "there must be a good solution for this" and challenge myself to explore various options to find a solution. I actually enjoy working with the library's budget (and Banner) and consider it a exciting challenge to provide the most resources and services with the funds we have available or can obtain.

Habit #6 or "using technology to your advantage" is a huge challenge. There are so many wonderful tech tools and applications available, that I find it hard to make the time and explore as much as I'd like. I am excited about offering this 23 Things program at the library, because it gives all of us a chance to play with some new technologies at our own pace and when we have time available.

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